About Me
Abdul haq Asami is a professional in car maintenance and modification. He started his career as a maintenance technician specializing in cars. Now it is one of the most famous content providers for car maintenance in Saudi Arabia and the Arab world. The reason behind the establishment of the “Your Car with Abdul Haq” channel is due to years of experience and knowledge in car maintenance. Abdul Haq’s main goal was to simplify mechanical information for non-specialists.

My Services

Media cooperation
Your Car with Abdelhak channel has achieved successes since 2016 until now, whether in terms of the content provided on cars and their maintenance, or any media cooperation with sponsoring companies where media cooperation is based on explaining the idea of the product, or the system in which the product works, or Just an exclusive sponsorship of the episode on YouTube.

Studies & Consultations
30 years of integrated experience and scientific management were a major reason for achieving success and profits in projects and maintenance centers, which was supervised by Abdelhak. Abdelhak helps you to overcome the administrative and financial problems you face in maintenance centers, whether the project is just an idea, or a reality.
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كل ما تريد معرفته عن نظام التحكم في الجر “تراكشن كنترول”
من الأسئلة الشائعة هي الفرق بين ABS أو نظام المكابح المانعة للانزلاق وبين TC أو نظام التحكم في الجر؟ وما

ماذا يعني الخط الأحمر في محرك السيارة؟
هل تساءلت يومًا إذا كان الضغط على بنزين لأخر درجة ويخرج صوت مرافق لهذه الحركة عبارة عن صوت تفتفه او

كل ما تريد معرفته عن زيت المحرك
زيت المحرك دائماً يكون مصدر إزعاج ومشاكل للعديد من الناس، ولكن في هذا المقال سنجيب على الأسئلة المنتشرة وكما ستتناول
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